Admission Rules
Salkia Hindu School (High & Unit-2) is a Bengali medium 124 years old school affiliated by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (W.B.B.S.E) and West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education (W.B.C.H.S.E), West Bengal.
All informations related to admission will be furnished on the school notice board
Admission forms will be distributed subject to vacancy in the classes.
Guardians should fill in the admission form (if issued), with utmost accuracy. No changes will be permitted for any reason after submission of the form.
The candidates will be tested in the standard immediately below that to which they seek admission. The selection for admission shall be made entirely on the results of these tests and subsequent interviews.
The decision of the school authorities regarding selection of a candidate for admission is final and binding.
A student who has attended a recognised school before, cannot be admitted without a transfer certificate from the previous school the student attended, even if successfully qualified in the admission test. In case of the students migrating from another state, the transfer certificate must be countersigned by the concerned district inspector of schools of the state from where the student migrates.
New candidate must be introduced personally with their guardians who will be responsible to the principal for the candidate’s conduct and fees.
Before withdrawing a student from the school, a calendar month’s notice is to be given to the school. Leaving certificate will be issued only on completing the notice period on the basis of written application from the guardians and after clearing all the dues,
Name of student failing two years in succession in the same class will be struck off the rolls and considered withdrawn.
In case a student is not granted promotion but is willing to continue his/her studies in the same class in the next school session, the guardian should notify the school in this regard before the beginning of school session and the concerned student is required to be present on the opening day of the new session.
Name of student who have been absent from school for a period of more than 10 (ten) days without prior permission or intimation to the school by the guardians during the absent period (for any illness) are liable to be struck off the rolls and may not be readmitted.
Irregular attendance, habitual idleness and neglect of homework, disobedience, disrespect to members of the school staff or bad moral influence will result in removal of the student from the school.
On disobeying any rules and regulations of the school, the school authorities at their discretion may call guardians at any time to take the student out of the school.
The school fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance.
No reduction is made for holidays or broken period.
Students are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls.
Fees once paid are not refunded.
Students must clear all school dues upto march before the pre-board examination commences, on the date determined by the school authorities.
Only those who have paid all school fees upto and including the month in which the examination is held, are permitted to appear for the examination / test.
Those who will fail to pay school fees (if any), for more than two months without any cogent reason, may be struck off the rolls.